Many times, parents tend to be strict towards their children and this strictness may sometimes go beyond the limits their children can tolerate. Also many parents make rules for their children, which may not go well
with them. Still children are asked to follow these rules and if they fail to do so, the parents usually scold them or even may beat them up in certain cases. This kind of strictness is not at all liked by children and excess of such behavior makes children hate their parents.
Moreover, frequently scolding them or beating them up may cause a sense of insecurity among the children and they would hate their parents even more.
In fact, I changed my mind. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the Nazis are really the worst.
But parents are still terrible. I knew it before I had a kid, and it's become even more apparent since I've joined their ranks.
Here's a list of some of the reasons why.
Their constant complaining about their ungrateful, undisciplined, UN-sleeping, whiny, tantrum-throwing kids.
Their constant bragging about their incredibly smart kids, or incredibly athletic kids, or incredibly cute kids. Guess what? I was smart and athletic and cute once too. Then I hit puberty.
Their constant posting on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and Pinterest about their kids. There's a reason I avoid you in real life; stop making me avoid you in fake life too.
The griping about how expensive babysitters are. You know what's not expensive? CONDOMS.
The constant discussions about children's TV and music and movies and books. I used to watch that junk too, when I was in college (read: wasted), but I didn't hold nonstop conversations about it. At least not conversations I can remember. I wish I couldn't remember the last time you brought up how much you hate "Caillou."
We get it: you're tired. News flash: Everyone's tired. It's called Five-Hour Energy. Quit being a martyr.
Their breathless worrying about video games and social media and twerking and sex and violence and alcohol and concussions and peanut allergies and we're out of hand sanitizer! I heard about this crazy thing the other day, it's called 200,000 YEARS OF HUMAN SURVIVAL. So take it down a notch, Chicken Little. Your kids will be fine.
Their tax break.
"I can't! I have to: pick up my kid/hang out with my kid/read to my kid/feed my kid/not drink because of my kid/pretend I care all bout my kid's recital or baseball game or doctor appointment/use my kid as an excuse to not have fun because I'm super lame now."
"I can never go to the movies! Waaaah!" You know who can go to the movies? CONDOMS.
Parents unconditionally love their children and expect the same from them. Parents cater to their children’s needs, fulfill their demands, help them when required, stand by their side, support them & care for them. They are the candles that burn themselves to light up their children’s lives. They can almost do anything for their children and their betterment.
However, children sometimes do not have the same feeling for their parents. Although, they may respect their parents, or show that they love and care for them, deep down they may even hate their parents for one or more reasons.
With this all reasons but parents actually love to us. Only they remember when they will be in the stage of parents.All parents love their kids and all kids love their parents with the time and situations all love are invisible to each other.
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